Friday, 2 January 2015

sjp ends!

here's an extra treat for readers of 'savage! jungle princess' my free on-line comic strip which has just ended over on the sjp blog ( or click on the link in the row to your right > ) you'll find a few more x-rated sjp picture further down the page on this blog!
just click on the pic to see it bigger... also the book collection of 'savage! jungle princess' is now available to buy. it's full colour, over 100 pages long, with extra story pages, posters and there are two covers to choose from. you can find it over on my other blog ( or find the other link to click on to your right > .)

1 comment:

  1. Mm.. Nice artwork Gabby. The T-Rex is looking on admiringly too. Ive just been looking at some old 'Carrie' comics from the 70's and 80's via the internet box. Although I find the humour rather dated and dodgy, i do think the stories are genius in terms of economy of space. Two pages long with no dialogue or frames but sometimes a long series of events. How they crammed so much in without sacrificing the artwork is an inspiration! Perhaps it was the use of caricature like stereotypes that helped. Stereotypes tell thier own stories and help hurry the tale along as we know. But still, they are a valuable point of study, too many webcomics lose pace because there is no discapline. Not yours though, which i enjoy.
