Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Monday, 12 November 2012

Monday, 3 September 2012

Monday, 9 July 2012

latest ms. fortune!

the latest 'ms. fortune' strip will appear any day now in the next issue of 'mayfair magazine'. here's a sneaky snatch!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

new ms. fortune!

the latest issue of 'mayfair magazine is nearly out... (any day) here's a snippet of the new episode of 'ms. fortune' you'll be seeing in it's pages...

Monday, 7 May 2012

space probe!

done a new illo inspired by a strip called 'invasion of the flying saucer women' that i drew for eros comics 'head' a few years ago...

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

welcome to bike club!

sorry it's been so long since i've done a new illo for the blog, but i have been really busy on the art to 'savage! jungle princess' issue one. more news on that soon, but here's a brand new illo for the first time in months! it features some new characters i've been developing with writer john a. short... get on your bike! gabby

Saturday, 17 March 2012

the jungle gets steamy!

what a difference a little colour makes… this shows four versions of the same picture from the up-coming comic ‘savage: jungle princess’

Fig. 1 shows my bare (and horribly flat) black and white inked artwork.
Fig. 2 has now been coloured and is suddenly more vibrant and three-dimensional.
Fig. 3 shows the same colours, but now with an added filter to suggest the torchlight by which this scene is being lit.
Fig. 4 shows how alive a little added lettering can make the same picture look.

More soon,

Gabby x

Monday, 5 March 2012

Friday, 2 March 2012


as you may have read on my other blog... i'm working on a full length comic of our jungle princess character at the moment. here's some art from 'savage: jungle princess' that you won't see on facebook or the other blog. check out http://gabbyscomics.blogspot.com (or click on the link to your right) to see more images.